Sunday, February 18, 2007

A quick trip down memory lane

Remember when you used to be able to get quality information for free online? Remember how the ecourses you received were packed with useful information that you could use shortly after reading them?

My oh my where have those days gone?

I liked those days so much that I've decided to relive them.

How you ask?

By giving you solid information for free and here or there for a fee. Don't worry about the mentioning of the word fee because the price's will be small I promise. I'm not in the habbit of recommending high priced items unless they really over deliver. And right now I have a few in mind but I'll talk about those at some other time.

Any how...I would suggest that you stay tuned here because I will be giving you some solid usable information.

I bet you thought that I was going to sell you something here...didn't you?

Sorry..I just have information for you.

If you want to buy something then there are plenty of places to do so online. A quick google search should point you in the right direction...:-)

That's all for now.
Keir Smith

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