Thursday, January 4, 2007

Email Marketing: " 2 steps to making money with a small list"

by Keir Smith

What methods do you use to make money if you have a small opt in list?

That's a question that I'm often asked. And my response is always the same.

I use quite a few methods to make money with my lists... All of them tend to work based on the size of the list.

When you are just starting out and you have a small list it can be tough trying to to make money with it.

Usually you don't have the experience or the money to speed things up.

So does that mean that you can't expect to make any money from your list?

Not at all.

You can make money from your list regardless of the size.

And I'm going to share with you 2 methods that I use when I am in the process of making money from my smaller lists.

1. Understanding what your customers want.

Do you even know what your customers want to buy? Do you even know what keeps them up at night tossing and turning? Are they even aware that a solution to their problem exists?

If you can't even answer those basic questions, then how do you expect to get the sale.

The more you understand the inner workings of how your customers think the easier it will be for you to make the sale to them.

Study your market. Learn what they are already buying and why. Learn how to make appeals that get you the sale.

2. Give them what they want

Once you find out what your customers want to buy from you have to give it to them.

There are many ways you can do that. But 2 really simple and effective ways are:

A. Create your own product or service. If you can put together a tutorial, a how to, or a tips list that shows them how to solve their problem. Then do it.

Creating your own product is easier when you have previous experience on the subject that you are helping your customers with.

If you don't...all is not lost. You can still create your own product but you will need to do more research.

TIP: When doing your research make sure you look for information that your market hasn't seen or heard plastered all over the place before. What they are looking for is something new.

B. You can sell someone else's product.

This one I would suggest is for those of you who don't have time to create your own products from scratch - or you're new to email marketing and would like to start making money sooner rather than later.

Once you know what your customers want - all you have to do is look for an affiliate program that has a product or service that fits. A good place to do your research is with clickbank. They have a huge selection of products to choose from with new ones coming online every day.

Tip: When choosing your products to sell you have to make sure that what you are offering isn't a piece of crap. If the product you choose to go with already has a bad reputation for not delivering then your customers won't buy anything from you. They will see right through your offer. The best way to not get into this situation is to try the products out before hand. This can be rather expensive if you are just starting out online, but it's effective.

Ok..that's it.

When you start practicing these 2 steps on a regular basis you should soon start to see a nice stream of checks coming to you on a regular basis.

Notice that I didn't say overnight. These steps aren't designed for that. If you want get rich quick then you'll have to look somewhere else. This is more like get rich slow.


How to find out what your customers really want to buy from you. Find out exactly which products or services you should be offering to your customers using our free service. Click here!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Internet marketing: Are you using this foolish marketing idea to try and get sales

by Keir Smith

The days of email marketing using a free gift as your lead in are over.

Not in the sense that you might be thinking. What I'm talking about are those offers that try to hook you by selling the free gift and all of it wonderful benefits.

You know the ones I'm talking about.

The one that promises you that you'll be able to do all the things you couldn't do in the past.

And you can get all of these benefits just by paying a small fee of xxx amount of dollars to cover shipping and handling. Or pay xxx amount of dollars for a 30 day trial.

That's a foolish way to try and get customers.

If you want people to sign up for your 30 day trial, then tell them that upfront. Combine that with a compelling reason to join or do what you are asking and people will do jus that.