Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Internet marketing: Are you using this foolish marketing idea to try and get sales

by Keir Smith

The days of email marketing using a free gift as your lead in are over.

Not in the sense that you might be thinking. What I'm talking about are those offers that try to hook you by selling the free gift and all of it wonderful benefits.

You know the ones I'm talking about.

The one that promises you that you'll be able to do all the things you couldn't do in the past.

And you can get all of these benefits just by paying a small fee of xxx amount of dollars to cover shipping and handling. Or pay xxx amount of dollars for a 30 day trial.

That's a foolish way to try and get customers.

If you want people to sign up for your 30 day trial, then tell them that upfront. Combine that with a compelling reason to join or do what you are asking and people will do jus that.

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