Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Email marketing: "Building an opt in list in 3 easy steps"

by Keir Smith

Are you making a $1000.00 or more a month from your opt in list?

Most email marketers are barely making any kind of income from their list.

It's not that they don't want's just no one has ever showed them how.

All they know and have been told is that the money is in the list.

And that is partially right.

What they were never told was that not only do you need to have a opt in list...but you need to know how to to get money from that list.

I won't go into the many ways you can go about getting money from your list because that's not what this article is about.

Instead I want to share with you 3 simple and easy ways you can begin using today to build your own opt in list.

1. Choose a hot topic

This is a very important step. The topic you choose to write about should be one in which is in demand. There should be people looking for more useful information on your subject.

It's true that it helps if you write about a passion you have...but if there aren't enough people interested in reading what you have to say then you'll be just wasting your time.

2. Create your offer

What are you offering me that will make me want to click on your link for more information?

Think about that for a moment.

Your offer has to be something that your market wants. They have to want it bad enough to overcome their fears. The fear of being made a fool of. The fear of being scammed. These are just a few of the things that will be swirling around in your potential subscribers mind.

You have to put those fears to rest in order for them to feel comfortable moving forward to the next step.

In case you don't have any idea of what you can offer them to help them feel at ease then you can take a quick look at the list of possible bribes:

Offer a free report on autoresponder
Create a newsletter
Offer a free e-training course
Provide free software appropriate for the audience
Give away free e-books
Have a contest or sweepstakes
Give away deep discount coupons

Once you have chosen a bribe. It's very, very, very, important that you tell them how what you are offering will put their fears to rest.

3. Now let them know about what you have to offer

Having a hot topic and a great bribe will be of little to no use to you if no one ever see's it.

You have to now place your bribe in front of your targeted audience. Once they see that you have something that can help them solve a problem or help them out of a situation they're in they will will click on your link or signup for whatver you are offering.

And you're done...

It's important that I mention that this method will build you a single opt in list.

In time you will make the most money the fastest when you can build multiple list's at the same time.

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