Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Internet marketing site of the day

Okay here's my internet marketing site of the day.

I know its the day before thanksgiving, so think of this as my treat to you.

Before I tell which site I'm recommending today, I just want to say that this will be a new feature I will be adding.

From time to time I will recommend what I think are up and coming websites, or trends that you should place on your radar.

I can't say that this will be a weekly daily or even a monthly thing I do.

How come?

Because good quality websites or blogs aren't always easy to find. And there definitely isn't a timetable on finding them. Like say once a day or once a week.

So when I do come across one that I think is worth recommending then I will shoot it out to you as quickly as possible.

That being is the site.

Click Here to visit Hittail

This site is in beta mode right now.

What does that mean?

Well that means for right's totally free to join.

The reason why I like this site is because it will help you generate traffic to your website or blog...for free.

Now wait a minute.

Before you go getting into a hissy fit about how you have been there done that with free traffic listen up.

This isn't about SEO...or the newest and latest trick someone has come up with to fool the search engines.

This is about using the internet more effectively.

Imagine this.

You are paying a couple of hundred bucks a month on ppc advertising.

That comes out to a couple of grand you are spending a year right?

well, with hittail you can save that money. Put it to use somewhere else.

Buy more websites.

Expand your business...I don't can do whatever you'd like with the extra cash.

The point is this.

Hittail shows you how to get the traffic for free.

Oh..and did I mention that they did the work for amazon when they first started out. Hittail is that same just all grown up and going out on their own.

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